1. 与考官见面用语
Glad to meet you here.
How nice to see you.
Fancy seeing you.
How are you?
I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.
I’m glad to meet you.
I’m please to meet you.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂
Could you please rephrase that question / topic?
I’m not exactly sure what you mean…
3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂
Do you mean…?
If I understand right,…
I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?
I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?
So am I right in saying…?
If I’ve got the picture, then…
So what you mean is…, right?
Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…?
Can I get one thing clear?
Would I be correct in supposing…?
4. 对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉
I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…
That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…
I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…
5. 评价考官所提问题
That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…
I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps…
Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.
That’s an interesting question…let me see. Well, I suppose that…
Yes, that’s a big issue.
6. 连接词
In fact,…
You see,…
You know,…
How shall I put it,…
Let me think for a second,…
Give me a few seconds,…
7. 换一种方式重述
In other words, I am…
And that means…
Let me put it another way,…
What I’m suggesting is…
All I’m trying to say is…
What I’m getting at is…
If I can rephrase that,…
Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying…
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say…
The point I’m making is that…
8. 回答完毕,询问考官是否还需补充其它信息
Have I given you enough information?
Would you like me to tell you more about…?
Is that all you’d like to know?
9. 回答完毕,考生认为已经无话可说了
I’m afraid that’s about as much as I know.
I think that’s all.
I can’t think of anything else right now…
Is there anything else you wish to know?
10. 结束语表达
That’s very kind of you. Thank you.
Thank you very much for giving me information.
Well, thanks for talking to me and I wish you all the best in your future.
Thank you, sir.
Nice talking to you.
Before you go, is there anything else you'd like to tell me?
I appreciate your talking with me. Goodbye.
I enjoyed talking to you.
It has been very helpful talking to you.
Hope to see you again.
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