从官网链接上下载申请表格,邮寄到指定地点,申请完成。一共有三种联系方式:邮件、电话、寄信详情信息可以从这里找到Link: http://sat.collegeboard.org/contact。
Multiple-choice score verification 单选题复议:
Hand score verification is the most rigorous level of score verification. As such, it overrides other forms of score verification. If you order hand score verification, you will no longer see the full My SAT Online Score Report and you will not have access to the Student Answer Service or Question-and-Answer Service for your hand scored answer sheet. When hand scoring of a multiple-choice score is requested, your entire answer sheet will be manually reviewed - you cannot request verification of scores for a single section on the SAT or just one of several SAT Subject Tests taken on the same date.
Fee reduction available
Essay score verification 作文复议:
This verification determines whether there was an error made in the scanning or processing of the essay scores assigned by essay readers. If an error is found, your adjusted score is automatically reported and your fee is refunded.
Fee reduction available
* 复议可能导致考生SAT成绩的上升也可能会下降,复议后的成绩也将会变成考生的结尾成绩,邮给考生。所以如果不是对自己的考试有超级的信息,考生尽量谨慎复议;
* SAT考试成绩复议,如果成绩发生变化,那么复议费将退还,如果没有改变,将不退还复议费。