Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should do the following:
-Make a contribution to the discussion in your own
-An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Achebe
Some argue that factories, as major producers of pollution and waste, should be pushed to make dramatic changes in how they operate in order to protect and preserve the environment. Others contend that it is the small, cumulative actions of individuals that lead to the greatest impact, so public awareness and altered societal norms are most critical. I would like you to consider: who do you believe should make more efforts when it comes to environmental protection - factories or individuals?
Factories should take the lead on protecting the environment because their impact is massive compared to individuals. For example, a single factory can generate tons of pollution per day, dwarfing what one person produces in a lifetime. Strict regulations and greener technologies for manufacturers would lead to huge reductions in emissions and waste.
Individuals should lead on environmental protection because we can drive cultural change. By making green lifestyle choices - reducing energy, taking public transit, minimizing waste - we set an example and normalize sustainability. And by purchasing eco-products and ethical companies, everyday consumer decisions incentivize businesses to follow suit.
For me, individuals should make greater efforts toward environmental protection. Just like Claire said, by making eco-friendly purchasing choices and normalizing sustainable practices,【介词短语】individuals can be instrumental in encouraging businesses to adopt similar approaches. In other words, these companies and their collaborating factories are likely to adjust their strategies to cater to consumer demands, thereby taking a more active role in environmental preservation.【分词短语】For example, Millennials and Gen Z consumers increasingly prioritize corporate social responsibility and are willing to pay a premium for environmentally friendly products. To meet these expectations, companies like Starbucks have launched initiatives to eliminate plastic straws globally, replacing them with strawless, recyclable lids. Additionally, Starbucks is working with eco-packaging plants to develop compostable paper cups. This reduces reliance on traditional plastic-lined options. Likewise, growing environmental awareness has driven consumer interest in clean energy vehicles without compromising performance or convenience. In response, Tesla has introduced an affordable range of electric vehicles that combine extended battery range with exceptional performance.【定语从句】Obviously, this market demand continuously motivates Tesla’s factories to refine battery technology and automated driving systems, informed by user feedback. To conclude, individuals, by championing sustainability efforts and taking the lead in inspiring businesses and factories to innovate, should act as catalysts for meaningful change, paving the way toward a greener future.【介词短语+分词短语】
“To conclude, individuals, by championing sustainability efforts and taking the lead in inspiring businesses and factories to innovate, should act as catalysts for meaningful change, paving the way toward a greener future.” 这句话在文章中起总结和升华主题的作用,通过强调个人在推动可持续发展和激励企业创新中的核心角色,呼应开头观点并展望未来,进一步凸显全文的主旨。其中,介词短语和分词短语分别从明确行动路径和补充句子结果两个层面,使句子内容更加具体和完整。
例句:The government was instrumental in providing the funding for the research.政府在为这项研究提供资金方面起到了关键作用。
cater to(迎合,满足):动词短语,常见于商业服务、客户需求、个人兴趣等场合,表示为某些特定的人群或需求提供服务、产品或满足他们的要求。在文章中用来描述企业为满足消费者需求而调整策略的行为,突出了消费者偏好对企业环保实践的驱动力,从而加强了个人行动能够影响企业行为的论证。
例句:Many social media platforms cater to younger audiences with trendy features and updates.许多社交媒体平台通过时尚的功能和更新来迎合年轻观众。
例句:The company has decided to prioritize customer satisfaction over short-term profits.公司决定优先考虑客户满意度,而不是短期利润。
pay a premium(愿意多花钱购买):表示支付额外费用、溢价或更高的价格,通常是为了获得更高质量的产品或服务,或者因为某物稀缺且需求高。在文章中强调了消费者愿意为环保产品支付溢价的行为,突出环保意识对市场需求的推动作用,支持了个人选择对企业实施可持续发展措施的积极影响。
例句:Consumers are willing to pay a premium for organic food because they believe it is healthier and safer.消费者愿意多花钱购买有机食品,因为他们认为这种食品更健康、更安全。
例句:This company has introduced new initiatives to support employee mental health and well-being.这家公司推出了新的计划,以支持员工的心理健康和福祉。
例句:The company refused to compromise on quality, even if it meant higher costs.这家公司拒绝在质量上降低标准,即使这意味着更高的成本。
例句:She has been championing the rights of underprivileged children for years.她多年来一直在为弱势儿童的权益而奋斗。
例句:The new policy acted as a catalyst for change, sparking improvements in the education system.这项策起到了催化剂的作用,激发了教育系统的改进。
paving the way(为……作准备):表示为某件事的发生或实现铺平道路,或为未来的行动做准备。通常指采取一些行动或创造条件,使某事变得更容易或更可能实现。在文章中突出个人行动对推动长远环保目标实现的积极作用。
例句:The invention of the steam engine paved the way for the Industrial Revolution.蒸汽机的发明为工业革命铺平了道路。