The graph below shows the number of enquiries to tourist information office made by telephone, letter/email, and in person from January 2001 to June 2001.
Body 1:蓝色、橙色(上升趋势)
Body 2:绿色(下降趋势)
The line chart compares the number of enquiries to a visitor center made by three different channels in the first half of 2001.
It is clear that face-to-face enquiries and those made by phone increased during the period, while email and postal enquiries gradually became less common. This trend was particularly evident in the case of in-person enquiries, which saw the most noticeable increase.
- 蓝色、橙色上升趋势,绿色下降趋势
- 橙色幅度
Body paragraph 1
Looking at the data in more detail, we can see that initially, 800 people made enquiries by telephone, twice the number of those visiting the information office in person. After a dip to 780 in February, the former remained stable for three months. Subsequently, there was a significant rise to the highest point at 1100 in the last month. In comparison, the number of in-person enquiries followed a similar pattern, but showed a more significant growth rate—it tripled in the 6 month, exceeding the number ofphone enquiries in March.
- 一月:蓝色800,是橙色的2倍
- 蓝色到二月小幅度下降→到四月保持平稳→六月达到值
- 橙色在六个月期间上涨了三倍,在三月超过蓝色数据
Body paragraph 2
However, a contrasting trend can be observed in the number of inquiries made via emails or letters. Before March, 600 people had contacted the tourist information center with their questions, a number that was surpassed by in-person inquiries in February. During the second quarter of the year, the number of email and letter inquiries dropped significantly, reaching just 200 in June, making it the least preferred method for tourists.
- 绿色趋势相反
- 前三个月保持平稳在600,在2月被橙色超过
- 4-6月显著下降到200