
8月10日雅思大作文示范写作 | 搁置生育计划的原因与影响



  Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?




  Previously, bearing children at a young age was dominant in many societies. Today this social norm is under threat, as a growing number of soon-to-be parents are delaying parenthood until their 30s or even 40s. This progressive transition in childbearing age is the result of multiple interrelated factors.





  不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

  ❖ bearing children 养育孩子

  ❖ social norm 社会规范

  ❖ be under threat 被威胁

  ❖ soon-to-be 即将成为

  ❖ progressive transition 渐进式转变

  ❖ multiple interrelated factors 相互关联因素

  Body 1

  Notably, rising living expenses have chipped away at one’s confidence in financial security foundation. Melbourne, for example, is Australia’s least fertile city, where unaffordable property price and other living pressures have driven people to shelve plans for parenthood. Additionally, ferocious competition in workplace and academia have translated into prolonged years in education, be via online on-the-job training or overseas study, which inevitably coincides with conventional age for having children. In some cases, marriages have been delayed for achieving personal or career milestones, increasing the odds of postponing child-rearing.




  不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

  ❖ chip away at 削弱

  ❖ financial security foundation 积极安全基础

  ❖ fertile 可繁殖的

  ❖ unaffordable property price 不可负担的房价

  ❖ shelve plans 搁置计划/推迟计划

  ❖ parenthood 父母身份

  ❖ ferocious competition 激烈的竞争

  ❖ translated into 转化为

  ❖ prolonged 延长的

  ❖ coincides with 同时发生:指与某事物相符合、相一致,或者与某事物同时发生

  ❖ career milestones 事业上的里程碑

  ❖ odds 可能性

  Body 2

  I would therefore contend that this shift is generally positive based on the previously mentioned information. When pressure to fit in with social norms is combined with the desire to achieve personal objectives, it can lead to internal conflicts. This ambivalence might eventually become entangled in a complex web of opposing feelings. On the other hand, parenting is fraught withuncertainty and complexity, so upholding the parental duties requires a greater sense of readiness. In light of this, a longer life journey is typically associated with personal development that paves the way for responsible and confident parenting in the future.




  不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

  ❖ social norms 社会规范

  ❖ personal objectives 个人目标

  ❖ ambivalence 矛盾心理

  ❖ entangled in 陷入

  ❖ fraught with 充满

  ❖ uncertainty and complexity 不确定性和复杂性

  ❖ readiness 准备意识

  ❖ a longer life journey 更长的人生旅程

  ❖ paves the way for 铺平了道路

  Ending Paragraph

  In summary, delaying parenthood until a more opportune time is a response to escalating competition and rising costs; this change should be viewed positively since genuine confidence arises from the steady build-up of self-efficacy over an extended period of achievement.




  不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

  ❖ parenthood 父母身份

  ❖ opportune 合适的

  ❖ response反应

  ❖ escalating上升的

  ❖ genuine真正的

  ❖ self-efficacy 自我效能
