1.do something kind for someone else为别人做出体贴之举
When was the last time you did something kind for someone else,Sam?你上次为别人做出体贴之举是什么时候,萨姆?
2.feel just as good being kind to someone else as when someone is kind to us自己善待他人和他人善待自己的感觉一样好
Right! It's something that psychologists are starting to prove scientifically but that most of us knew all along: we feel just as good being kind to someone else as when someone is kind to us.没错!心理学家开始从科学角度来证明这一点,但我们大多数人一直都知道:自己善待他人和他人善待自己的感觉一样好。
3.a random act of kindness不经意的善举
It reminds me of something called a random act of kindness.这让我想起了一种叫做不经意的善举的行为。
4.help a stranger cross the road帮助一个陌生人过马路
small, everyday things 日常小事
Yes, things like helping a stranger cross the road--small, everyday things people do to help others for no other reason than to make them happy.是的,像帮助一个陌生人过马路这样的事,人们为了帮助他人而做的日常小事,没有其他原因,只是为了让他们开心。
5.feel the kindness in ourselves感受到自己的善意
Yes, and one of the main benefits of being kind is that we feel the kindness in ourselves.是的,保持友善的主要好处之一是我们能感受到自己的善意。
6.seem counter-intuitive似乎违反常理
can cost something of ourselves让我们付出一些东西
experience a sense of reward体验到一种回报感
What we know from the science is, and what can seem counter-intuitive because giving can cost something of ourselves, is that we can experience a sense of reward when we are kind to others...我们从科学中了解到的是,当我们友善对待他人时,我们可以体验到一种回报感,这似乎违反常理,因为给予会让我们付出一些东西,
7.have a pleasant surprise获得一个惊喜
help us remember these nice experiences帮助我们记住这些美好经历
motivate us to do them again and again激励我们一次又一次做这些事的部分
8.a warm glow温情效应
And we call this feeling a warm glow.我们把这种感觉叫做温情效应。
9.give something away赠予东西
means we no longer possess it意味着我们不再拥有它
Usually giving something away, money fon example, means we no longer possess it.通常赠予东西,例如钱,意味着我们不再拥有它。
10.the giver of kindness and the receiver 善意的施与者和接受者
an inner feeling of happiness一种内在的幸福感
But kindness is different: both the giver of kindness and the receiver experience what Dr Campbell-Meiklejohn calls a warm glow-an inner feeling of happiness.但是善意是不同的:善意的施与者和接受者都会体验到坎贝尔-米克尔约翰博士所说的温情效应--一种内在的幸福感。
11.equals losing it等同于失去它
opposite to the way you expect things should happen与你期望的相反
Nevertheless, for some people giving something away equals losing it, so for them being kind seems counter-intuitive--opposite to the way you expect things should happen.然而,对一些人来说,赠予某物等同于失去它,所以对他们来说,保持友善但能体验到一种回报感似乎违反常理事情发生的方式与你期望的相反。
12.feels as good as any other pleasurable activity保持友善的感觉就像其他愉快的活动一样好
For our brain, being kind feels as good as any other pleasurable activity,for example eating something yummy.对我们的大脑来说,保持友善的感觉就像其他愉快的活动一样好,例如,吃可口的东西。
13.is great in my personal life在我的个人生活中是很好的
OK,Sam,I can see that being kind is great in my personal life.
14.the ruthless/ˈruːθləs/ world of business or politics/ˈpɒlətɪks/ 在冷酷无情的商业或政治世界里
But what about the ruthless world of business or politics-surely there's no place for kindness there?但是,在冷酷无情的商业或政治世界里呢?那里肯定没有友善的容身之地。
15.involves fierce debate涉及激烈的辩论
criticism of anyone who disagrees with you对持不同意见的人的批评
It's true that in many countries politics involves fierce debate and criticism of anyone who disagrees with you.的确,在许多国家,政治都涉及激烈的辩论和对持不同意见的人的批评。
16.compassionate/kəmˈpæʃənət/ leadership富有同情心的领导
leads to inclusive cooperative/kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ outcomes 带来包容、合作的成果
lead to fairer societies导致更公平的社会
17.be dismissed as something fluffy 被认为是无足轻重的
And yet we have this idea that compassion somehow doesn't belong, that it can be dismissed in the same way as women have been dismissed as something fluffy and a nice idea but not really practical. 然而我们有这样的想法:同情在某种程度上不属于这一领域,它和女性一样被忽视,被认为是无足轻重的,想得很好,但不实际。
18.takes courage to act with compassion心怀同情需要勇气
But in fact, the science behind compassion is that it actually takes courage to act with compassion.但事实上,同情背后的科学是,心怀同情需要勇气。
19.takes courage需要勇气
But in fact, being compassionate is not easy and takes courage.但事实上,富有同情心并不容易,那需要勇气。
20.a strong voice for sth. 是对...的强烈呼吁
a kinder, more compassionate society更友善、更富有同情心的社会
Jennifer's is a strong voice for a kinder, more compassionate society. 詹妮弗所讲是对一个更友善、更富有同情心的社会的强烈呼吁。