Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
We define “courage” too loosely. Real courage is conscious self-sacrifice, either for the sake of others or to uphold a value. But we typically identify a single aspect of courage—daring or honesty, for example—as the entire virtue. We even say it takes courage to differ from the mainstream in one’s preferences in fashion or music or to speak out about certain wrongs. Such acts, though admirable, are not necessarily courageous.
Adapted from John McCain with Mark Salter, Why Courage Matters
Assignment: Should we limit our use of the term “courage” to acts in which people risk their own well-being for the sake of others or to uphold a value? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
有一位身患癌症的医生写过一篇文章,请大家看看我节选的部分。能从中获取某些思路和感悟:Hemingway once wrote that courage is grace under pressure. But I would rather think with the 18th century Italian dramatist, Vittorio Alfieri, that “often the test of courage is not to die but to live.” For living with cancer engenders more than pressure; it begets terror. To live with it, to face up to it---that’s courage.(翻译:海明威曾经写道,勇气就是临危不惧。不过,我更赞同18世纪意大利戏剧家维多利奥.阿尔菲利的观点:“对勇气的考验往往不是去 死,而是要活。”身患癌症,不仅带来痛苦,而且引起恐惧。抱病生活,并敢于正视这一现实,这就是勇气。)
此外,我也反对John McCain说的“We even say it takes courage to differ from the mainstream in one’s preferences in fashion or music or to speak out about certain wrongs. Such acts, though admirable, are not necessarily courageous.”从古到今,有太多随波逐流的人,太多不敢发表自己观点和意见的人。因为这些人从小就被教育要听话,不要与大众对着干。不管是随波 逐流也好,还是隐藏自己的观点也罢,都不利于社会的进步。而正是那些敢于特立独行,敢于勇于陈述自己观点和意见的人,往往是推动社会进步的人。比如时尚界 的香奈儿,勇敢地讲男性化的元素引入女装;比如科技界的乔布斯,力排众议推出ipad。我觉得这两位的行为,就是有勇气的体现。很多时候我们不敢尝试新的 事情,因为我们害怕失败。对于敢于创新的人,我们不得不赞赏他们的勇气。
所以,只要一个人做了别人或自己通常不敢做,不会做的,而又无损于甚至是有利于他人的事儿,就可称之为勇气。(自己不敢做的事儿比如向喜欢的人 表白,这个也是需要勇气的:)。活生生的个人事例也能很好说明自己的观点。大家不要担心个人的事例没有说服力。只要写得靠题,个人事例和名人事例一样有说 服力!)